Winter Nets 2021

Winter Nets 2021 - Posted 15th November

Our Winter nets are due to start from the 24th January. This of course all depends on where Essex is with the latest restrictions. Currently as we are tier-2, it is only possible to train with another individual from the same household, however we are hoping that these restrictions might change over the next few months.

Once we are allowed to net, we will have both a Sunday net session from 10am to 11am as well as a Wednesday evening net running from 8pm to 9pm.

Once allowed, we will need to be even stricter than before on making sure we only have a maximum of 6 people per net session. Dom will be arranging logistics again this year so make sure you have made it clear you would like to attend nets.

We will continue to use the Writtle Cricket Centre based in Skeggs Farm.

For those that are interested, please make sure you read the below guidelines issued by Writtle Cricket Centre.

If you are interested in joining the club and would like to attend, please contact our email address

Latest Writtle Cricket Centre Guidelines

New Covid Regulations Teir 2