Winter Nets 2023
Winter Nets 2023 - Posted 5th February 2023
Winter Nets 2023 - Posted 5th February 2023
We will be starting our winter nets 8th February. Like in the past, this will be run at the Writtle Indoor cricket which is based at Skeggs Farm. We will be running our nets until the 16th April.
We will run two net sessions a week, one on Wednesday 9pm to 10pm and the other Sunday mornings from 10am to 11am.
Each net session can only have a maximum of 6 people. If you’re interested, message Dom who can add you to the 'nets group'.
These nets are not just limited to current members, if you have any interest at all in joining a new cricket club or even if you're interested in getting back into cricket, you would be more than welcome to join. Please contact us at the club's email address